Saturday, June 10, 2017

Slippery Slope

Sunday, 10.42am, in bed, hiding from the world. Managed to have an shower earlier. I really struggle with resilience sometimes. Can't seem to make a decision about my independent part of the Europe Trip. Feeling overwhelmed and sad. I know that if I just got dressed and went into the lounge to talk with Na'ama and her boyfriend I would probably feel better. So, I guess that since I know that - it is exactly what I should do. No more knowing how to help myself and then doing nothing about it!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

What are my dreams made of?

Monday 29th January, 2014

Time to update this list that was written 6.5 years ago!

September 20th, 2007 (In no particular order)
1. Become AP or at least a Senior Teacher - done
2. Become an intermediate level skier
3. Buy a house/ set up an eco village - done
4. Read more books
5. Participate in performance dance
6. Sing in a band
7. Become a sustainable education guru - getting there
8. Go on a cruise ship
9. Visit friends in Canada/America
10. Walk the Routeburn Track
11. Experience the Monarch Butterfly migration and Día de los Muertos celebrations in Mexico
12. See the Baobab trees in either Australia or Madagascar

In the last two years I feel like I have achieved quite a bit: Post Grad Diploma, travel to India + Samoa, a lot of work on my emotional intelligence, ending a relationship and starting a new one, becoming a team leader, developing the new NZ Brownie programme, first multi-day walk (Stewart Island), yoga, experiencing G'ma's passing, transition of friendship with Amanda

2014 - short term
- Go to WoMaD
- Travel to Switzerland
- Enjoy just 'being' in the moment
- Finish bird long stitch

2014 - mid term
- Become a better teacher and team leader
- Develop connections with others
- lose 4kgs
- Learn guitar or ukulele
- Find/discover a new passion

2014 - Mid/long term
- Buy a new place with a smaller garden, better flow

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

True Love

Overhead in my classroom . . . "I don't want to get drunk and then fall in love and get married." Spoken by T aged 6.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Come Together

It all started when I saw a framed photo of a mum, dad and their two kids (all of whom I did not recognise) at my parent's place. My mum is not one to frame pictures willy nilly so I figured it must be someone important. I took another look and then realised that it was Richard's daughter, her husband and their two kids. Wow, I hadn't seen these people for 10 years and if I passed them on the street would I even recognise them now?

We used to have an extended family annual golf tournament which seemed to have died out. I decided it was time I saw these people again and that a spot of friendly competition wouldn't go amiss. It took about 3 months to finally all settle on a date for the Mackenzie/Watson/Singer/Hinge Bowlarama, but I am glad I persevered. My team managed to win with the highest average of 90 (which I think isn't really that impressive, but certainly better than another team's whose average was 60!)

It was a really good day, and good to see everyone again after so long. Toddlers were now teenagers, adult children now taking on their parent's mannerisms even more, there was good food, good conversation and good sun. Hopefully the enjoyment of this day will motivate everyone to come to next year's gig. Croquet I am thinking . . .

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Boys will sleep with you

Overhead in the staffroom last week . Setting: a five year old boy who really wanted the family cat to spend the whole night on his bed. He had started feeding her (the cat) every day in order to win her affections. Every night the cat would go to sleep on his bed, but in the morning she would always be gone. Finally one morning the boy says to his mother "Mum, it takes a while for girls to sleep with you aye? And, boys will sleep with you straight away". Bless him, he's got it figured out already.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My mum is a rock star

My mum is a rock star. She sings in the garage. She sings really loudly and I like it. I can't remember her name. I always ask her what her name is and then I forget it. - M aged 7

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Tales of old

As I sit around on Christmas Day with Kim, my mum and her partner, and my dad and his partner, I listen to the men sharing stories from their youth. It gets me thinking that us young folk tend to discuss issues and plans for the future rather than spend time sharing stories of old and reminiscing about the past. I enjoy hearing these stories and learning piece by piece more about my family.

Dad is passionately telling us a story about the son of the Italian Ambassador who came off his bike and cracked his head on the curbing, which my grandfather proceeded to try and mend (his head, not the curbing). This then lead to my father's family being invited to dine at the Ambassador house, and my dad eating the best pasta he has ever had in his life (story is 50 years old).

The men tell stories and the women listen. I am reminded of what a great storyteller my dad is, and why don't I make more time in my busy life to sit down and listen to these tales. Kim comments that she is surprised and pleased that the T.V. has not been on all day. We have talked, listened, eaten, and drank for 9 hours - this is the good stuff.